eCommerce Startup

Critical Hat


eCommerce Website Development

project type

Retail Clothing Store


ecommerce website showcase

Project Details

Critical Hat was founded with one thing in mind: Geek Headwear. Their stated goal as an eCommerce Startup is to provide “geek, nerds, and misfits” with clothing and accessories that allow them to “Be Themselves”. They wanted to make it easy for customers to snag hats, flip-flops, hoodies without the need to carry inventory.

Critical Hat is a special online store, as it was co-founded by a ten-year-old kid named Marcus. This kid has some connections in the marketing industry (aka he’s the son of Freshwater’s CEO). So during his off-time, our CEO helped Marcus set-up his store, showed him how to create designs, and manage the day-to-day.

We have helped Critical Hat from day one. From early stage ideation, planning, and identity, all the way to the business launch!

But at the end of the day, this is Marcus’ project. 🙂



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Product Design

We helped get our junior client set-up with the proper design tools. We also set them up in the WooCommerce shopping platform.

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We helped with the product copy according to the tone of the company voice. And speaking of the voice of the company, we also helped develop that too!

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Automated Fulfullment

We worked with Critical Hat and their vendors to automate order fulfillment. This means less work and  less overhead for this time eCommerce Startup!


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Product Design

We helped get our junior client set-up with the proper design tools. We also set them up in the WooCommerce shopping platform.

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We helped with the product copy according to the tone of the company voice. And speaking of the voice of the company, we also helped develop that too!

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Automated Fulfillment

We worked with Critical Hat and their vendors to automate order fulfillment. This means less work, and  less overhead for this tine eCommerce Startup!

How it helped

Here are just a few of the things we helped Critical Hat accomplish.

  • Identity and Logo Design
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • eCommerce set-up
  • Fulfillment Integration
  • Product design
  • Copy writing
  • Procedural development

We’re also helping with Social Media management, Search Engine Optimization, and Paid Advertising campaigns to boot, and most importantly—Critical Hat and Freshwater Agency are having fun rolling the dice on this project.

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